Wednesday, March 9, 2011

4SKIN FTW: Circumcision Trauma Poem

4SKIN FTW: Circumcision Trauma Poem: "A warm and tight embrace, keeps me sheltered in this room. My safe and secure nest, I know this is your womb. I feel the surges pushing m..."

Feminist Coming Out can kiss my maternal ass!

I'm not really shocked my submission wasn't published on I am disappointed however that my voice is foreign and irrelevant because I have birthed babies, fed them from my breast, and while I will stand for a womans right to govern her own reproduction, I talk more about her right to govern her own childbirth. 

Tolerated Submission for a Faithful Childhood

Let me start out by saying I am not raising a racist. I am raising a feminist. 

We live in a very multi cultural area in Southern Canada with the majority of new immigrants being from the Middle East. The covering of a woman’s head is something I see everyday and it is indeed based on religious values and morals first and foremost. We are NOT talking about a cultural tradition. That said, every organized religion today has roots in misogyny, with perhaps the exception of Buddhism. I submit some of my favorite quotes from both the Qur'an and the Bible.